Announcing SimVTK 0.2.4, the lates SimVTK release. Source and binary packages can be downloaded at We have also written a new article on SimVTK, which can be found in the VTK Journal. This new release includes Windows and Mac OS X binaries for VTK 5.6.1, and features various style and stability fixes.
Progress on SimVTK had been going slow for the past year, but we finally have a student working on the project again. With this added manpower, we will be able to merge this project with my WrapVTK project, which is itself a spinoff of the VTK/Python wrapper enhancements that I did over the summer. The result will be that more VTK parameters will be successfully wrapped in SimVTK. We also hope to speed up the wrapping by doing a rewrite of the Perl code-generating code.