The vtkWrapXML program is a simple tool that reads VTK class header files and produces XML descriptions of the classes. Usually vtkWrapXML is called from within WrapVTK, which contains CMake files to automate the process.
Originally, vtkXML was created as part of the SimVTK project at the MedIA Lab at Queen”s University. The basic structure was copied from vtkWrapPython and utilized the vtkParse infrastructure that comes with VTK. David Gobbi (lab staff) and Adam Campigotto (undergraduate student) were the authors. This original version of vtkXML produced an XML format that was specifically formulated for use with SimVTK, e.g. all Set methods with vtkObject arguments were tagged as “Inputs”, while all Set methods with int/double arguments were tagged as “Parameters”. These tags specifically reflected how these methods would be used by Simulink.
In March 2010, vtkXML was re-written as vtkWrapXML by David Gobbi to make it more general and more comprehensive. The new xml output uses tags that reflect the C++ usage of the classes, and produces output for all methods of each class (or at least, all methods recognized by vtkParse) instead of only producing output for methods with Get/Set/Add/Remove signatures.
The vtkWrapXML executable is part of the WrapVTK project, which enables the building of wrappers for VTK from outside of the VTK source tree. The first goal is to use the new vtkWrapXML in the SimVTK project, which uses the XML description of the VTK classes to provide a Simulink wrapper for VTK.
Another goal is to generate a “pseudo-wrapper” to allow the kind of run-time object introspection that is currently only available in the python wrappers, to also be available through C++. These pseudo-wrappers would provide run-time access to:
- class and method documentation
- a list of all properties, including information such as variable type, current value, allowed values, etc.
- a list of all methods, including parameter types
This information could then be used for things such as automatic creation of introspection GUIs, similar to existing pipeline inspectors but written entirely in C++ (i.e. not requiring the use of Python or Tcl to do the introspection).
Element Descriptions
The main body element of the XML is <file>, which acts as a container for all information about in the parsed header file.
File Element
The <file> element has the following attributes:
- “name” giving the name of the header file
The <file> element has the following children:
- <comment> with commented lines
- <typedef>
- <class>
- <struct>
- <union>
- <function>
- <enum>
- <constant>
- <variable>
- <using>
- <namespace>
- <alias>
Namespace Element
Each <namespace> element has the following attributes:
- “name” the namespace name
The <namespace> element has the following children:
- <comment>
- <typedef>
- <class>
- <struct>
- <union>
- <function>
- <enum>
- <constant>
- <variable>
- <using>
- <namespace>
- <alias>
Class Element
Each <class> element has the following attributes:
- “name” the class name
- “abstract” with possible value 1
- “template” with possible value 1
The <class> element has the following children:
- <comment>
- <tparam> for each template parameter
- <inheritance> lists all of the base classes in the inheritance chain
- <base> for each base class
- <typedef>
- <property>
- <method>
- <enum>
- <constant>
- <member>
- <using>
Each child element except for <tparam> and <inheritance> will have an “access” attribute with possible values private, protected, public.
TParam Element
There is one <tparam> element per template parameter in a function, method, class, or struct definition. It has the following attributes:
- “type” specifying a type or the keywords typename or template
- “name” giving the name of the template parameter
- “value” giving the default value of the parameter
There is one possible child for the <tparam> element:
- <tparam> child elements are present when type=”template”
Inheritance Element
The <inheritance> element provides a list of all base classes in the inheritance chain. It starts with the current class and descends through all base classes, taking multiple inheritance into account.
Its children are the following element:
- <context> for the class and each class that is inherited from
Context Element
The <context> element names a context for resolving methods, typedefs, and other class attributes. It can only have the following attributes:
- “name” the name of the class
- “access” with values public, protected, private
Every <method>, <member>, <property>, <typedef> etc. in a class will have a “context” attribute to indicate where that particular member was inherited from.
Base Element
The <base> element can only have the following attributes:
- “name” the name of the base class
- “access” with values public, protected, private
- “virtual” with value 1 if this is a virtual base class
Struct Element
The <struct> element is a copy of the <class> element
Union Element
The <union> element is a copy of the <struct> element
Property Element
The properties are synthesized by inspection of the Get/Set/Add/Remove methods. They reflect the way that VTK object properties are accessed.
Each <property> element can have the following attributes:
- “name”
- “context” the class this property was inherited from
- “static” with possible value 1
- “type” with values like “int”, “const int”, or “function”
- “pointer” with values like “*” or “**”
- “size” with values like “3” or “{2,2}”
Each <property> element can have the following children:
- <comment>
- <function> if the “type” attribute is function
- <methods> (see below)
- <valname> for each SetValueToSomething() method that exists
Property Methods Element
The <methods> elements contain an “access” attribute with values public, protected, private and a “bitfield” attribute that describes all the methods that are available for accessing the property. Each method type is separated by a pipe “|”.
- GET is “type GetValue()” or “type *GetValue()”
- SET is “void SetValue(type)” or “type SetValue(type [])”
- GET_MULTI is “void GetValue(type&, type&, type&)”
- SET_MULTI is “void SetValue(type, type, type)”
- GET_IDX is “type GetValue(int)” or “type *GetValue(int)”
- SET_IDX is “void SetValue(int, type)” or “void SetValue(int, type [])”
- GET_NTH is “type GetNthValue(int)” or “type *GetNthValue(int)”
- SET_NTH is “void SetNthValue(int,type)” or “void SetNthValue(int,type [])”
- GET_RHS is “void GetValue(type [])”
- GET_IDX_RHS is “void GetValue(int, type [])”
- GET_NTH_RHS is “void GetNthValue(int, type [])”
- GET_AS_STRING is “const char *GetValueAsString()”
- SET_VALUE_TO is “void SetValueToSomething()”
- SET_BOOL is “void ValueOn()” and “ValueOff()” (both must be present)
- SET_CLAMP is “type GetVarMinValue()” and “type GetVarMaxValue()” (both must be present)
- GET_NUMBER_OF is “int GetNumberOfValues()”
- SET_NUMBER_OF is “void SetNumberOfValues(int)”
- ADD is “void AddValue(type)”
- ADD_MULTI is “void AddValue(type, type, type)”
- ADD_IDX is “void AddValue(int, type)”
- REMOVE is “void RemoveValue(type)”
- REMOVE_IDX is “void RemoveValue(int, type)”
- REMOVE_ALL is “void RemoveAllValues()”
ValName Element
The <valname> element names a possible value for a property that has SET_VALUE_TO in one of its method bitfields. It has one attribute:
- “name”
Method Element
Each <method> element can have the following attributes:
- “name”
- “context” for the class this method is inherited from
- “property” with the name of the property associated with the method (if any)
- “template” with value 1 if the method is templated
- “static” with value 1 if the method is static
- “virtual” with value 1 if the method is virtual
- “const” with value 1 if the method can be called on a const instance
- “legacy” with value 1 if the method is obsolete
Each <method> element can have the following children:
- <comment>
- <signature> which is the C++ method signature, filtered through vtkParse
- <tparam> for each template arg, if the method is templated
- <return> describing the return type
- <param> for each of the method parameters
Constructor and Destructor Elements
The <constructor> element is a copy of the <method> element, except that:
- “explicit” indicates that the constructor will not be used for implicit type conversions
- “name” is absent
- <return> is absent
The <destructor> element is a copy of the <method> element, except that:
- “name” is absent
- <return> and <param> are both absent
Function Element
Each <function> element can have the following attributes:
- “name” which will be absent for anonymous functions
- “static” with value 1 if the function is static
- “template” with value 1 if the function is templated
- “legacy” with value 1 if the function is obsolete
Each <function> element can have the following children:
- <comment>
- <signature> which is the C++ function signature, filtered through vtkParse
- <tparam> for each template pamameter if the function is templated
- <return> describing the return type
- <param> for each of the function parameters
Param and Return Elements
The <return> and <param> elements have the following attributes:
- “name” for param but not for return
- “type” with values int, const int, function, method, etc.
- “pointer” with values like “*”, “**”, “*const” etc.
- “size” with values like “3” or “{3, 4}”
- “reference” with value 1 to indicate a reference to a value
- “value” for param only, giving the default value
The <return> and <param> elements have the following children:
- <function> when “type” is function
- <method> when “type” is method
- <class> when “type” is class (future – to support anonymous classes)
- <struct> when “type” is struct (future – to support anonymous structs)
- <union> when “type” is union (future – to support anonymous unions)
- <enum> when “type” is enum (future – to support anonymous enums)
Variable Element
Each <variable> element represents a regular variable. It is a copy of the <param> element.
Constant Element
The <constant> element represents either a macro constant, enum value, or constant variable. It is a copy of the <variable> element, with the following differences:
- “enum” with value 1 indicates an enum constant
- “type” can be absent for macro constants
- “value” is mandatory
Member Element
The <member> element, like <variable>, is a copy of the <param> element. It has the following additional attributes:
- “context” giving the class the member is inherited from
- “property” giving the name of the property associated with the member (future)
- “static” with a value of 1 if the member is static
- “access” with values public, protected, private
Typedef Element
The <typedef> element is a copy of the <param> element, with the following additional attributes if the typedef is a class member:
- “context” giving the class this type is inherited from
- “access” with values public, protected, private
Enum Element
The <enum> element defines an enum type. It has the following attributes:
- “name” giving the name of the type (if not anonymous)
- “context” if the enum is a class member, giving the name of the class
- “access”” if the enum is a class member, with values public, protected, private
The <enum> element can have the following child element:
The constants are kept at the same level as the <enum>, instead of being contained within it. Any constant with enum=”1″ and with a type that matches the enum name, is a member of the enum.
Using Element
The <using> element contains the following attributes:
- “name” giving the item to use, or namespace if the whole namespace is to be used
- “context” the namespace scope, without a trailing ”::”
Alias Element
The <alias> element is used for a namespace alias declaration. It contains the following attributes:
- “name” the alias
- “context” the namespace that is to be aliased
Comment Element
The <comment> element contains an indented text block that provides documentation. For example,
<comment> | |
This is a comment. | |
</comment> |
The comment text may contain doxygen markup tags and even html (quoted, of course, for inclusion in xml).
Signature Element
The <signature> element provides a plain-text declaration of a function or method.
Future Extensions
The XML is intended to be VTK-specific, with the following intended uses:
- wrapper-generators
- introspection code
- automatic GUI generators
Specifically, the XML it is not meant to provide any information that cannot be synthesized from the vtkParse FileInfo struct. However, as vtkParse is enhanced, so will the XML be enhanced.
<file name="vtkImageReslice.h"> <comment> .NAME vtkImageReslice - Reslices a volume along a new set of axes. .SECTION Description vtkImageReslice is the swiss-army-knife of image geometry filters: .SECTION Caveats This filter is very inefficient if the output X dimension is 1. .SECTION See also vtkAbstractTransform vtkMatrix4x4 </comment> <constant name="VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST" value="0" /> <constant name="VTK_RESLICE_LINEAR" value="1" /> <constant name="VTK_RESLICE_RESERVED_2" value="2" /> <constant name="VTK_RESLICE_CUBIC" value="3" /> <class name="vtkImageReslice"> <base name="vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm" access="public" /> <inheritance> <context name="vtkImageReslice" access="public" /> <context name="vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm" access="public" /> <context name="vtkImageAlgorithm" access="public" /> <context name="vtkAlgorithm" access="public" /> <context name="vtkObject" access="public" /> <context name="vtkObjectBase" access="public" /> </inheritance> <method name="New" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" static="1"> <signature> static vtkImageReslice *New() </signature> <comment> Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. </comment> <return type="vtkImageReslice" pointer="*" /> </method> <property name="InterpolationMode" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" type="int"> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <methods bitfield="GET|SET|SET_CLAMP|GET_AS_STRING|SET_VALUE_TO" access="public" /> <valname name="NearestNeighbor" /> <valname name="Linear" /> <valname name="Cubic" /> </property> <method name="SetInterpolationMode" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> void SetInterpolationMode(int) </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <param type="int" /> <return type="void" /> </method> <method name="GetInterpolationModeMinValue" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> int GetInterpolationModeMinValue() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="int" /> </method> <method name="GetInterpolationModeMaxValue" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> int GetInterpolationModeMaxValue() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="int" /> </method> <method name="GetInterpolationMode" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> int GetInterpolationMode() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="int" /> </method> <method name="SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> void SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="void" /> </method> <method name="SetInterpolationModeToLinear" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> void SetInterpolationModeToLinear() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="void" /> </method> <method name="SetInterpolationModeToCubic" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode"> <signature> void SetInterpolationModeToCubic() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="void" /> </method> <method name="GetInterpolationModeAsString" context="vtkImageReslice" access="public" property="InterpolationMode" virtual="1"> <signature> virtual const char *GetInterpolationModeAsString() </signature> <comment> Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor). </comment> <return type="const char" pointer="*" /> </method> <member name="InterpolationMode" access="protected" type="int" /> </class> </file>